Monday, December 23, 2013

"I have heard the mermaids singing..."

Felt inspired by some writing my friend did for lit and so... collab.
Here's what she wrote:

"I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each. Not dangerous, like the sirens’ songs. Rather, an audial embodiment of the ocean itself. The waves that I knew so well, so beautifully recreated by angelic voices. The crescendo of harmonious winds and deep, shuddering strings whisked my hair out of my face and brought trembling tears to my eyes. Like white, misty spray, the fullness of dozens of powdery voices tickled—sent shivers down my back.
The rolling crash of water gently softened to sapphire splashes.
Rays of light pierced through the grey cloud and the air swelled with music.
Calm, clear. Pure, sweet. Warm and soothing; silky. A choir of golden voices. Each sustaining a note, joining in, layers; a tiered chord. I closed my eyes and breathed in the sunshine.
It broke me.
A man, hewn and tempered by the salt of the sea. Reinforced, steeled. The battering wind had toughened me and had knotted my heart like the many thick ropes I had tied while aboard this proud ship.
Like holy water, the swirling sea of their singing submersed me—but then I was resurrected. My lungs were raw from the sharp water, from the cleansing that scrubbed beyond my physical being.
I was filled with a new pain. No, a lifelong ache that had just now been awakened. Their voices, a spoonful of heaven, had whet my soul for something greater than anything I knew this world could give me. I wanted more, knew I would die without it. I could achingly sense the starvation, the hollowness of my body.
Consumed, I wrapped myself in the music, gorged myself on their soft, sweet songs. Unattainable harmonies filled my thirsty lungs as I sank deeper and deeper. My floating hair became a halo around my head.
I hear the mermaids singing, from the world beyond my reach."

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